Sunday, January 21, 2007

Bonnie Renaud giving us instructions for sewing quilt blocks  Posted by Picasa
Ellie Mitchell with her finished wreath Posted by Picasa
Some of us working hard on our centrepieces Posted by Picasa
A "Naughty" view of Mrs. Claus entertaining us Posted by Picasa
Ollie Page reciting her rendition of "Twas the Night Before Christmas" Posted by Picasa
Another View of the Sisters at Our Lunch Posted by Picasa
A View of the Sisters at Our Christmas Lunch Posted by Picasa

Thursday, January 18, 2007

A Long Overdue New Posting

A lot has been happening since I last posted, so I will try to catch up on some of the events that have gone on recently.
Our boxes to Afganistan were safely and promptly delivered and Gilles (Madeleine's son) was delighted to receive them. He distributed them among his unit and the front lines and they were much appreciated. We are discussing the possibility of sending "care packages" to the troops every six months to boost their moral and let them know they are in our thoughts.
We had a great Christmas party with a lot of laughs and were treated to a visit from Santa and helpers. Ollie Page read us her rendition of "The Night Before Christmas" which was received with great delight.
At our last meeting before Christmas we had a wreath and centrepiece making session with some beautiful results. We got back together after several weeks off around Christmas to enjoy with our families.
Bonnie Renaud has been planning and putting together our new quilt blocks for our new fundraising quilt for several months. They were given out at our last meeting to those who wanted to work on them. Many thanks go to Bonnie for all her hard work.
The Marten River Winterfest commitee have been meeting for several weeks to plan for this year's event which will take place on March 17th. It will have a St. Patrick's Day theme since it falls on that date. Things will get underway with a "Top O The Mornin" pancake breakfast. Children's activities include a colouring competition, minnow races, and a "Pot O Gold" treasure hunt. There will be a costume contest featuring the best St. Patrick's Day costume. A Karaoke contest featuring Irish songs is in the planning. Log sawing and chainsaw demonstrations will take place outside, and there will be the popular beef on a bun, hot dogs, homefries and pop available at lunchtime. It sounds like a wonderful day to get out and enjoy your neighbours and friends and have some fun and entertainment.