Saturday, July 30, 2005

New Book

Hello Fellow Sisters:
There's a new book just out that takes place in the Marten River area. It's called "Marten River Hideaway" by Anne Ravenoak. It's a good, light, summer read if you feel inclined. Coles might have it in by now and Madeleine Legault has a copy of the book if you would like to borrow it.
I keep asking myself "who really wrote it". It's very intriguing.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

The Pork Barbecue

The pork barbecue was a resounding success. The lineups were long but moved very smoothly.
The food was delicious and lots of it, with plenty of variety. It was so nice to see a lot of the sisters there with family and friends.
Don't forget about the community yard and bake sale coming up on Sun. 31st of July at the Marten River Fire Hall.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Logger's Day

Well, logger's day went well, although crowds were down, mainly because of the oppressive heat.
A lot of the volunteers were melting under the intense sun let alone many of those who attended.
The main beach was a very popular place to be during the day, and the sale of freezies went especially well!

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Evening of Songs

A fabulously great time was had by all who attended the "Evening of Song" at our interfaith chapel last Wed. It was hosted by Terry Richardson, Carol Andrews and Dorothy Cloet. Everybody enjoyed the guest appearances of Ollie Page and Joan Frappier from Temagami. Another evening of song if planned for Wed. July 20th, from 7 pm. to 8:30 pm. Bring all your neighbours, guests, friends and family for a great evening of fun and entertainment.